How Good Grandparents Looks After Their Grandchildren during School Holidays
The relationship between a grandparent and the grandchild is unique. The warmth of being close to each other is something that’s incomparable. The role of grandparents is enhancing due to changing priorities. More parents are choosing grandparents to babysit the kids instead of relying on external help. Paid help is often a solution but not a preferred one.
Grandparents who are active and healthy can provide the best childcare and build a strong relationship with the kids. The experience should be rewarding and fun. This may often lead to grudges between the parents and the grandparent, which is why some ground rules should be set prior to the visit.
The Importance of Living with a Grandparent
During the school holidays, parents often need some time off and they ask the grandparents to look after and entertain the grandchildren. Grandparents can do a variety of things to spend time with their grand kids. The aim should be to teach the kids some new skill and instil moral values.
Imagine spending school holidays with the grandchildren in your home. You can allow them to wake up late and have a scrumptious breakfast in the lounge. The bonding and caring experience will bring your grandchildren closer to you. Also, don’t forget to tell them the stories from your past. These stories will help your grandchildren get to know their heritage and understand their background.
The Impact on the Grandchild’s Growth
If you have some innate skill, there is a good chance that those skills are genetically transferred to your grandchild. School holidays are the best time to try that out. You can take up the space in the garage and teach your grandchildren wood carving if you know how to do that. If you are a grandmother who loves baking, teach your grandchildren to bake those perfect oatmeal cookies.
If your grandchildren love to play football, put them in a football academy during the holidays. These academies focuses on building technical and mental skills needed for a good football player. Playing any kind of sport will ensure a healthy and active lifestyle.
The chances of your grandchildren picking up a new skill or a good habit are high. As a grandparent, you can teach your grandchildren about the moral values and the importance of prayers. Although parents are responsible for teaching these values, you can add a spark to their lives. Help them learn and adopt new habits which will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
Spending more valuable time with the grandparents brings a satisfaction in the personality and attitude of the grandchildren. They understand and know that someone other than their parents is there to look after them. The more time they spend with grandparents, the stronger will be their relationship, with better chances of this turning into friendship.
In the teenage years, kids often distance themselves from their parents and this is the time when they need adult supervision, help and advice. Grandparents can save their grandchildren at this sensitive age. The role of grandparents is therefore very important.