Top 8 Perfect Part-time Jobs in Dubai
Part time jobs are the perfect solution to ample of spare time. Helping you gain work experience and deal with the professional world, it also helps you gain some extra cash. Especially for students, part time jobs help gain qualities required for a full-time job. Other than students, Housewives, aged people and other people looking for new experiences and self-up gradation – part time jobs can come handy to one and all.
One of the pros of working in Dubai is that most of the jobs are already highly paying, who minds some extra cash?! But it’s not just about the money but also about the skills you acquire during the job. With more and more people looking for part time jobs in recent years here’s a list of a few jobs to do part time:
- Translator/ Interpreter: with a diverse range of population, one of the most common problems faced by the people is the language barrier. Translators with good English communication skills are needed by many companies.
- Freelance Content Writers: all fields of work require content writers. And if you are good at what you do, you may even on a permanent job at the company. You have the independence of choosing your own Work hours and preferred place for working (home/office)
- Social Media Experts: with the ever-growing popularity and importance of social media, various sites are used for business marketing and promotion. The more technically trained and experienced in social media engine you are, the more opportunities await you.
- Home Tutors: Education sector being the most expensive sector in Dubai, home tutors always in demand and is one of the most highly paid part time jobs.
- Tour Guide: Dubai’s tourism sector has gained more popularity in the recent years; tour guides make a lot of money especially during the holiday season.
- Jobs at Restaurants: being a server at a restaurant, all you have to do is greet the people, serve them food etc. It is a good option of a part time job that pays sufficiently well.
- Call Centre Jobs: Call Centres require minimum working hours and basic requirements like speaking and language skills. Also, the availability of these jobs are many.
- Online Jobs: online jobs like web designer’s logo identification professionals, SEO jobs, digital marketing jobs, are some of the best part time jobs to do in Dubai. On gaining more skills your salary, can also increase.
All though working laws are strict in the Middle East countries, these part time jobs are all legal to do and are in compliance with the laws.