7 positive affirmation statements that you should use
You need to treat yourself properly as you are your own best friend and the most important person in your life. Therefore, it is very important to consider the way you talk and treat yourself daily. We often judge ourselves and feel guilty after doing something wrong and we blame ourselves. Think of the huge difference that will happen once you start talking to yourself in a much more positive way. Here are some affirmation statements that would change your life.
1. I believe in my dreams
Try to have belief in yourself and all that you are. Make yourself believe that you can do everything and anything once you have the desire to do it. Telling yourself that you believe in your dreams will make you a much more confident and a strong person. Try to trust yourself and the whole universe that most of the dreams do come true if you start believing them.
2. I am doing my best every day
No matter if you have managed to do something eventful today, always remember that every day you are giving your best to create the life you desire. Always remember that success comes in baby steps and it does not happen instantly. Learn from your mistakes and even if you had a bad day just appreciate yourself for trying and making small progress every day.
3. I love myself for who I am
The next time when you are standing in front of a mirror, stop and look into your eyes and say ‘I Love You’. Tell yourself that you love all the imperfections and flaws in yourself because that makes you a different person. You cannot surely expect to give love to other people unless and until you love yourself.
4. I am in charge of my happiness
No individual can come and convert yourself into a more positive and satisfied person. Always remember that you are responsible for your happiness and you will be only disappointed if you have all kinds of expectations somewhere outside of your reach. Try to take responsibility for your feelings and make this a daily task.
5. I Accept a hundred per cent responsibility for my own life
Like the previous point where we discussed you being in charge of your happiness, you also need to take full responsibility for all your actions too. Whenever you start complaining about your circumstances, surroundings and the people, you will only hurt yourself. You, your thoughts and all your daily actions make every single day of your entire life.
6. The best is yet to come
This is an inspirational statement that you need to tell yourself daily. Always believe that if today was not how you expected, tomorrow is going to be a brighter day. By doing this simple thing, you simply start attracting all the positive things in your daily life.
7. I am grateful for every day
Appreciate every single day the way it turns out to be. Most of the times you do not have the power to change the things that happen to your daily, but you can change your attitude. Always be grateful to every little good thing that happened to you.