5 Strategies to Strike Work-Life Balance Amidst Work from Home Scenario
![Covid-19, work from home](https://www.gccremit.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Covid-19-work-from-home--640x400.jpg)
Amidst the growing health crisis of Covid-19, work from home has now gained a new popularity among a majority of corporate companies. While this work from home concept has proved beneficial to the companies, it has certainly disrupted the work-life balance for all of us.
With no specific work timings and irregular meeting schedules, work from home has gradually shifted to being work for 24 hours. At such times, struggling between work deadlines and home management has completely taken a toll on our mental and physical well-being.
Understanding this struggle to multitask, we have put together a list of 5 simple strategies that will help you to strike a work-life balance amidst this stressful work from home scenario!
Establish a work schedule: Based upon your company’s working hours, establish a structured work schedule and try to sign off on the closing time. This structured work schedule will allow you to spend some quality time with your family. Refrain from attending work calls post your work schedule; well you can make an exception to this in times of work emergencies.
Plan in your day in advance: For better time management, plan your day a night before as that will help you to prioritize your tasks as per their significance. Likewise, save some spare time in your schedule as there’s always a possibility of last minute client corrections. In such a scenario, the extra time saved will help you to close off your work on time.
Setting “SMART” Work Goals: Instead of setting unrealistic work targets, try to set achievable work targets with realistic deadlines. Overcommitted workload is a sure shot way to land you up in stress and anxiety. Therefore, stick to the principle SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely) goals to increase your work efficiency in limited time period.
Take small work breaks: With no option to socialize or to step out, your work productivity is bound to suffer if you continue to work without breaks. To avoid this, try to squeeze in short work breaks in your work planner. These small breaks will not only help you to retain your creativity but rather they will also work in to improve your work productivity in this stressful work situation.
Enjoy family time: After a hectic work from home, spend up some time with your loved ones. It can either be enjoying cooking with your husband or creating an artwork with your children. Perhaps, you can simply just put on some music and relax. It’s your choice but whatever you do, try to enjoy this me time.
To conclude, we hope that these strategies will lighten up your workload with an accurate time management. However, these are not rigid guidelines, you can twist and turn them as per your convenience.
Additionally, if you have found any more strategies to manage work-life balance then feel free to share them with us.